Adjusting the Enclosure Temperature Setting

To understand how to adjust the temperature settings on DTS 3000 Series Units

Electronic enclosures can operate at a temperature that would seem undesirable to a person. The default setting for Pfannenberg air-conditioning units is 95˚F internal and 95˚F external temperature. These settings can be altered depending on the application that the unit is installed in and that will affect the cooling capacity of the unit.

DTS 30X1 Series
Some models will have a mechanical thermostat on the back of the unit. This can be adjusted by using a flathead screwdriver.

temp setting

All Other DTS Series (DTS 31X1, 31X1 SL, 31X5 115/230V, 32X1, 32X5 115/230V, 34X1C, 36X1C)
These models will utilize a PCB control board with a 3-DIP switch setting to 
regulate the enclosure temperature. This board is accessible from the service panel on 
the back of the unit, if mounted inside the enclosure.


Inside this panel, the control board is located with temperature settings and a reference 
chart for dip switch position changeable on the red box.


DTS 31X5 and 32X5 460V

These models will utilize a PCB control board with a 4-DIP switch setting to 
regulate the enclosure temperature. This board is accessible from the service panel on 
the back of the unit, if mounted inside the enclosure.


Inside this panel, the control board is located with temperature settings and a reference 
chart for dip switch position changeable on the red box. The 4th dip switch is only used to reference °C or °F which will not impact setpoint setting. The "On" Position is considered "1" on the Temperature Setpoint Diagram.