Setting up the IP on Grid connect Modbus RTU to TCP Adapter

DTS 3000 Series with Modbus TCP Adapter

  1. First make sure you have the MAC Address of the adapter this can be found on the 
    mac add
  2. Download the device installer from the bottom of the following page
    and scroll down to the downloads section and it will take you to a new webpage where the device installer will download.
  3. Run the DeviceInstaller setup.exe
  4. Once the DeviceInstaller is setup open the program and locate the correct device.
  5. Open the web configuration on the device.
  6. Go to network and the static IP can be set there.
  7. Go to Modbus/TCP and make sure that Protocol is set to Modbus/TCP Server Attached to slave(s) and make sure the Fixed Slave ID is set to 0 for the Gateway. 
  8. Once you have finished setting up the Modbus/TCP Protocol and Fixed Slave Address 
    click OK at the bottom of the screen then click Apply Settings. This will save the IP and 
    Protocol setting to the Gateway.